Gaming and Esports Management

Gaming and Esports Management

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Home / Degrees / Business / Gaming and Esports Management

Whether you are starting out and want to learn more about the world of esports and video gaming or you currently hold a business position and would like an opportunity to build or enhance your skills, you owe it to yourself to explore what Post University has to offer. Our degree programs in gaming and esports management offer the learning experiences you could use to get in the game on the business and management side.

*This program is not currently eligible for Title IV.

Explore An Educational Level

Bachelor of Science in Gaming and Esports Management

At a Glance

Program Length
Credit Hours
Online or
On Campus

The Bachelor of Science in Gaming and Esports Management program offers an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the business side of video gaming. It explores a variety of industry issues and concepts, from game design, competitive play, and event management to streaming live to international markets, leading teams, and understanding business financing. Our program also offers the ability to customize your degree to your future goals with concentrations in:

  • Event Planning and Management
  • Entrepreneurship

During your coursework, you will have the opportunity to build up your knowledge of business essentials and gaming management principles to:

  • Overcome gaming and esports challenges using industry-specific knowledge
  • Plan, execute, monitor, and control esports events
  • Offer guidance for streaming and broadcasting efforts
  • Apply knowledge of psychology and physiological issues for healthier people outcomes in gaming
  • Write, speak, and communicate to a variety of audiences more professionally

Upon graduation, you will receive a bachelor’s degree from a program designed to help you develop and maximize your gaming and esport management understanding and abilities.

Master of Science in Gaming and Esports Management

At a Glance

Program Length
Credit Hours

The Master of Science in Gaming and Esports Management program offers an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the business side of video gaming. Exploring industry fundamentals as well as advanced topics, it covers critical business areas for operations management, emerging trends, market dynamics, sales and marketing, and more. During your coursework, you will have the opportunity to build up your knowledge of business essentials and gaming management principles to:

  • Overcome gaming and esports challenges using industry-specific knowledge
  • Understand industry processes, finances, culture, and U.S. and international market dynamics
  • Plan, execute, monitor, and control esports events
  • Promote healthier people outcomes in gaming with a better understanding of the psychological and physiological issues involved
  • Write, speak, and communicate to a variety of audiences more professionally

Upon graduation, you will receive a master’s degree from a program designed to help you develop and maximize your gaming and esports management understanding and abilities.


Post embeds micro-credentialing opportunities in programs to help build personal or professional skills to highlight on a resume or online profile.

Ready to Apply?

Online Classes Start Soon!

Term 5 Begins
Term 6 Begins

 “Our program offers a blend of traditional business courses along with specific courses in this space to help drive student understanding, knowledge, skills, and abilities in gaming.”

– Roger Caramanica, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP

Program Chair, Gaming and Esports Management

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Learn more about our flexible, student-focused degree opportunities today. Fill out the form on this page, and one of our admissions advisors will reach out to you!

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